Design principle #17

Websites for crowdsourcing cultural heritage support participation by conveying the credibility of the project.

Explanation: Credibility refers to trust in the value of the project and its sustainability, and information security. Conveying the credibility of the project may be more influential on the participation of visitors unfamiliar with websites for CCH, than people who have visited or contributed to such websites before.

Benefits: Assuring new visitors that the time and effort required to contribute will be well spent, and that any personal information they provide will be secure, encourages them to contribute.

Examples of compliance with this principle: 

  • Displaying host institution logos
  • Displaying a list of supporting institutions
  • Evidence of financial support
  • Names and photos of the project team
  • Displaying the number of people who have contributed to the project
  • Linking to offline project events
  • Displaying project awards
  • Evidence of external publicity by third parties
  • Evidence of project support on social networks
  • Contributor profiles
  • Testimonials from project output users.
Image: Transcribe Bentham. Host institution branding, a list of supporting institutions, evidence of financial support, and displaying the number of people who have participated, are examples of conveying the credibility of the project.