Design principle #16

Websites for crowdsourcing cultural heritage support participation and contribution quality by conveying a sense of community.

Explanation: The project community is comprised of contributors and the project team, and may include users of project output.

Benefits: A visitor’s decision to contribute may be positively influenced by the prospect of belonging to a community, and by the presence of other people, which raises expectations of project success. Users who are motivated by being part of a community may submit higher quality contributions due to a sense of commitment, and return to contribute more.

Examples of compliance with this principle: 

  • Emphasizing the collaborative nature of the project
  • Inviting contributors to register, and displaying contributor names or handles
  • Displaying contributor profiles
  • Evidence of community interaction
  • Displaying welcome messages to new contributors
  • Publicly acknowledging new contributors
  • Publicly displaying community announcements, such as project news, progress updates and new website features
  • Linking to related crowdsourcing communities.

A website that does not convey a sense of community to users, despite techniques employed with a view to achieving this, is an example of non-compliance.

Image: Old Weather. Emphasizing the collaborative nature of the project (in this case, contributors are “crew”) is an example of conveying a sense of community.