What to expect

Free consultation

I offer an initial, no-obligation 30-60 minute consultation free of charge. Please be ready to discuss:

  • The aims of the project and it’s contribution to the organisation’s vision
  • The groups of people most impacted by the project
  • The project timeline or deadlines
  • The project team and/or who I will be reporting to
  • The project activities for which you require my assistance

Service proposal

Following the initial consultation, I will provide a service proposal on request, free of charge.

The service proposal will outline work to be undertaken, and include rates and terms of service.

The rate for service will reflect the activities and duration of the project, and other terms of service.

Analyst services

My standard hourly rate of NZD $150+GST for analyst services is based on market rates for a Senior Business Analyst.

Discount for charities

I offer a discount on my standard rate for Analyst services to charitable organisations.

Creative services

Rates for creative writing, editing, and publishing support are determined case-by-case and based on guidance from the NZ Society of Authors.