
If you’re working in New Zealand’s arts space, chances are you’ve heard of Boosted by the Arts Foundation.

As former Manager of New Zealand’s crowdfunding platform for the arts, I had the joy of working with hundreds of passionate and talented artists and creative crews to fund their vision, and gave my Information for Impact muscles a real workout.

With my Boosted hat on I coached one-on-one, facilitated workshops, ticked the boxes for council and community funding, and worked alongside digital partner UI Revolution to redesign the website.

There is so much in my toolbox to help the arts fly, so keep me in mind for your next project!

Selected crowdfunding projects

Community spaces: Hundertwasser Art Centre (Whangarei), New Athenaeum Theatre (Dunedin), Strange Haven (Auckland), Meanwhile (Wellington)

Film: Loading Docs, Yellow is Forbidden, International Youth Silent Film Festival

Visual Arts: LUMA Festival Queenstown, Sculpture Park at Waitakaruru Arboretum, Play Art/Hastings City Art Gallery

Dance: STOA Choreographic Season, Help William Get to Worlds Hip Hop Competition

Theatre: Shakespeare Globe Centre New Zealand, Weave Yarns with New Zealanders

Music: Australia Generations in Jazz Tour, Ben Sings at Guildhall, Rodger Fox Big Band Monterey Jazz Festival, Kate Anastasiou Debut Album

Strategic projects

University of Otago: 3-year action plan for School of Performing Arts, and 5-year action plan for Division of Humanities.

Victoria University of Wellington: Facilitated stakeholder consultation for Humanities digital strategy.

How I help