

I’ve been called an Information Powerhouse for positive change. I collect and crunch. I craft and clarify. I communicate and convince.

I’m experienced, versatile, and up for a challenge. If you need to analyse, improve, inform or inspire, chances are I have just the thing in my toolbox to help you.

If you need clear, concise insights based on comprehensive analysis to inform governance decisions, I can:

  • Conduct organisational and market research to inform your strategy and continuous improvement
  • Produce recommendations, reports, business cases, and funding applications that effectively communicate the why, who, what, when, how, and how much.

If you need to manage digital information more efficiently and provide a better user experience, you’ve come to the right place. I work with stakeholders and subject matter experts to:

  • Define requirements for websites and information systems that enable people to achieve their goals
  • Evaluate and support the procurement of digital solutions for improving operational performance
  • Produce how-to documentation for new systems and processes to support staff training and change management.

If you want to inform and inspire your audience with engaging content, we’re going to get along famously because I’m a happy hybrid Analyst/Content Creator. I can:

  • Evaluate, ideate, and create search-optimized online content
  • Write and edit content for presentations and publications.

Point me in the direction of your vision, and I can do any or all of these things to help make it happen. Trust me.