
The limitations of extraordinary people

I’ve been fortunate to walk alongside many extraordinary people in my career, and I’ve noticed some patterns.

Gearing Up Sometimes, those with the brightest ideas and the most energy to fuel them are challenged by the tasks required to get things off the ground, or progress at pace. Strategy, planning, and thinking through the financial implications can feel like trekking into a headwind.

Reaching Out Brilliant people – and I count myself among you – can be rubbish at asking for help. We’re so darn clever that we think we need to do everything ourselves, even when we would rather be doing other things. Your idea of a boring task might be my idea of a good time.

Changing the View If we’ve been working at something for a while, we reach a point where we could benefit from fresh eyes and a different perspective, to see how we could do more, better.

Letting Go Occasionally, our dedication to a worthy cause or way of working can dim our light. When a situation is draining our energy and making us resentful, we’re wasting precious time. Sometimes we need a friendly stranger to see the big picture, remind us of our potential, and give us permission to let go.

We’re smart, but we’re not perfect.

We can forget that sharp inclines are easier to manage with a helping hand. We can underestimate the value of chatting with other extraordinary people, who are insightful and invigorating. We can miss out on the magic that happens when two talented people put their heads together. Let’s change that.

The solution

I help by doing what comes naturally to me, so that you can spend more time doing what comes naturally to you.

As your personal enabler, I will play to my professional strengths: listening to what you say and what you don’t, asking the tough questions, focusing your energy, helping you engage the people you want to reach, and evaluating and optimising efforts in service of your vision.

I can equip you with a powerful sounding board, and a customised backpack full of practical advice, fit-for-purpose tools, and information for impact.

Together, we can:


  • Unpack your box of buzzing ideas and sort them into what happens now and later
  • Clarify your vision, develop your strategy, consider the costs, and map a path of progress
  • Honour your integrity by keeping your values front and centre


  • Consider any dynamics affecting your balance, or limiting beliefs standing in your way
  • Pinpoint the knowledge, skills, tools or support you need to move forward


  • Craft your message and shout it from the hilltops
  • Inform your audience with engaging content that inspires positive action


  • Check in with the people you serve to identify opportunities to boost your impact
  • Explore ways to improve, reframe, or pivot your efforts


Stay inspired, focused, and on track to achieve your goals.

We can do any or all of these things. Our collaboration will be a box of turbo-charged chocolates for you to choose from, but don’t get the wrong idea. I believe in tough love, and honesty at all times. I will challenge you, and you will thank me for it.

That said, there are other helpful people out there, so why me?