Website evaluation

What's the Score? homepage

A Cognitive Walkthrough of the What’s the Score at the Bodleian? task interface to increase volunteer participation (Victoria University of Wellington, 2012)

Launched in May 2012, What’s the Score at the Bodleian? is an experimental crowdsourcing project that aims to improve access to parts of the Bodleian Libraries’ music collections at the University of Oxford. A selection of uncatalogued piano sheet music from the mid-Victorian period has been digitised, and the public is invited to describe and transcribe the musical scores online using software adapted from Zooniverse projects like Old Weather.

The main objective of this Google-sponsored pilot project is to investigate a cost-effective approach to making the scores more discoverable online, with a view to facilitating future research. The crowdsourcing site continues to be enhanced, and the project team has invited feedback from contributors.

This report presents a Cognitive Walkthrough that evaluates how easy it is for an online volunteer to start using the system. Following a step-by-step analysis of the sequence of actions required to complete the transcription and description of a musical score, the report presents several recommendations for further refinements.

MIS Research Report (PDF)