Research Projects

My practice-oriented postgraduate research focused on the design of highly-interactive websites for crowdsourcing. Independent projects included:

Practical application: Website design principles
Title: An Information Systems Design Theory for Crowdsourcing Cultural Heritage (aka Design Toolkit for Crowdsourcing) Read more
Completed: 2016, Victoria University of Wellington

Practical application: System requirements
Title: Functionality and usability requirements for a crowdsourcing task interface that supports rich data collection and volunteer participation / A case study: The New Zealand Reading Experience Database Read more
Completed: 2013, Victoria University of Wellington

Practical application: Website evalution
Title: A Cognitive Walkthrough of the What’s the Score at the Bodleian? task interface to increase volunteer participation Read more
Completed: 2012, Victoria University of Wellington

Practical application: Strategies for crowdsourcing
Title: Practical management strategies for crowdsourcing in libraries, archives and museums Read more
Completed: 2012, Victoria University of Wellington

Practical application: Website evalution
Title: Optimizing crowdsourcing websites for volunteer participation: An examination of What’s on the Menu? using the MECLABS Conversion Sequence heuristic Read more
Completed: 2011, University of Canterbury